In a previous post, I had mentioned the new internet age of pop culture. Being a college student in 2006, there is one thing that stands out more than anything else, facebook (and myspace for that matter too). Sitting in the Anderson Computer Lab, I have full sight of multiple computers, 13 to be exact. As soon as I sit down, I see a girl in the front row perusing facebook. Facebook is a program that allows you to “friend” people online, view pictures of them, as well as various information about them.
Anyway, this one girl is on the site, looking around. Another girl, who apparently is her friend is sitting next to her, doing something else. The girl searching facebook all of a sudden turns to her friend, and says in a load enough voice, at least so I can hear, “Look who he hooked up with last night”, in reference to a guy that they knew. Neither could believe that the two hooked up, and started a search for more evidence, or pictures. This is called facebook stalking.
The facebook website has become a pop phenomenon. People will be out at bars, and see someone who they have never met, yet they are facebook friends with. Facebook lingo has even entered mainstream college culture. It is pop to go “facebooking”, or as the girl the computer lab’s case, facebook stalking.
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