Sunday, December 3, 2006


Over Thanksgiving, I finally saw Borat after hearing how awesome it was from everyone around me for nearly a month. Personally, I found the movie hilarious, and have also enjoyed reading about all the controversy surrounding it, as well as looking at it from an anthropological/pop culture perspective.

It’s truly amazing what people will do and say when they are put in front of a camera- especially the fraternity brothers who were told the film would never be seen in the United States (and are now filing suit), and the guy at the rodeo who with very little prodding revealed his opinions on the gay population.

Between the interviews in the film and the prevalence of “reality” TV, it seems as if the general public just wants to be on camera (often without considering the consequences and repercussions, as has been a major issue surrounding this movie). However, very few of them actually become famous, so what’s the motivation?

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